Monthly Archives: March 2014

Noah and his Scandalous Pro-Environmentalism Dreamboat

Noah Poster

Noah, the big-budget Biblical spectacle from auteur director Darren Aronofsky (The Wrestler, Black Swan) hit theaters this weekend, pulling in a surprising amount of cash and generating no end of controversy.  With a stellar cast including Russell Crowe, Emma Watson, Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins, and Ray Winstone, an array of impressive effects-driven setpieces, and the benefit of a generally familiar story, it’s received generally favorable reviews.  I, for one, was impressed with it.  Like much of Aronofsky’s work I think the ambition ever so slightly outweighs the execution, but there’s no standout flaw that might make the average film fan regret dropping the cash to go see it.  Of course, since it’s a “Bible Movie”, there’s a lot to talk about here outside of what’s shown onscreen.  In particular, I find the fact that audience-driven scores on sites like Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes are currently trending far below those of critics to be interesting.  I don’t place much stock in aggregate review scores as a general rule, but when there’s nothing inherent in the quality of the film itself to cause such a rift, I think it’s worth talking about.  Don’t worry, I’ll get to the film itself eventually.

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Marvel Legends Carnage Review: Amazing Spider-Man 2 Infinite Series Green Goblin Build-A-Figure Collection

Aren’t second chances great? A figure you missed out on gets rereleased, retooled, redecoed or remade and… well, hopefully you can find it this time.

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